Journey to picture perfect VI

The day was lovely, he had picked her up at exactly six o clock, he had complimented her   on her  gown, the shopping she had earlier gone on had come in handy as she wore her new loubs and her gown which was a simple black dress, a classy  yet edgy look. When she [...]

Protect your Packaging! 

This is a very short article because it was a spur of the moment kinda write-up. But it still make sense, so please read and apply to your everyday character. Thanks.   So you know how back in the day in school where girls used to hoard the source or should I say secret of [...]

Journey to picture perfect V

Just as she was trying to figure out who it was, her phone rang,  it was Emeka she looked up to check the time past 10 she wrinkled her forehead and picked,  "hello" "Hi,  I figured I call you with this number and you'd pick and lucky for me you did"  "Ahahahahaha what do you [...]

Journey to Picture Perfect IV

“I thought the same thing too” Kerri added nodding“but why won’t she tell us, tell me” Ada said turning to them with her hands dripping foam “yh Ada why didn’t she tell you” Deola smirked “the issue here is one we are suspecting he hits her and two that she’s pregnant” Kerri cuts in before [...]

Journey to picture perfect III

“Way” her dramatic friend emphasized as she took out plates from the drawer“But why, wasn’t it just last week she said she wasn’t feeling it anymore, abi am I getting something wrong?” “I was there nah, but her excuse was he was acting strange and she was just building up a defense mechanism just in [...]

Abuja Lane III 

Continued from here  There's something about new love it just makes your face glow, you smile more, there's a particular love song on repeat on your phone, even when the really annoying colleagues at the office snicker behind your back, there's this humph you have in your attitude, you don't even care that your boss has [...]

The art is self love

There is this dettol advert that goes 'if I don't take care of them, who will?' I'll switch it up and say, "if I don't love myself, who will?. Self love basically is self acceptance, self respect, self forgiveness and self improvement. I know most people have sometimes wished there was one part of their [...]

Abuja lane II

Continued from Here The security man comes into the reception, with Jevnik nylon bag in his hands, heading straight to Emmanuella's desk Security man: "Aunty person say make I give you." Emmanuella: "Thank you, where's the person" Security man: "Him don go, but he say paper dey inside the nylon" Emmanuella: *sigh* "ok thank you" She [...]